Zombie Hunt Metamora, MI

Zombie Hunt in Metamora, MI

Do you have what it takes to survive a zombie attack? If you think you do, you should try our Zombie Hunt in Metamora, Michigan, the Massacre at Metamora Zombie Hunt. You’ll be armed with a paintball gun and tasked with saving yourself and your fellow survivors from the vicious hordes of infected zombies coming at you. It’s up to you to help save humanity from waves of zombies. It’s fun for the whole family, as there is NO age limit. When the zombies come, everyone needs to pitch in.

As soon as darkness falls, you’d better be prepared to fight. The zombies will start to storm on you and the other survivors as you put down as many as you can with your paintball gun. This zombie hunt in Metamora, MI runs from sunset to 10 p.m. or midnight each day. If you’ve got what it takes to keep humanity alive, we need your help at the Massacre at Metamora, MI because these zombies are not going down easily.

Prices for Zombie Hunt in Metamora, MI

Not only is this zombie hunt in Metamora, MI an exciting and unique experience for everyone to enjoy, it’s affordable, too. You can choose your pricing level depending on how many paintballs you’ll need. For $35 dollars, you can start with 250 paintballs. You can start with 500 paintballs for $45. We also sell extra paintballs before and during the event. $20 gets you 250 more paintballs, and $35 gets you 500 more. We accept cash and credit, but sales during the ride are cash-only. Come help us save our city and have a great time while you’re at it!

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